
[WIN]Graitec Advance Suite (结构分析和设计软件) 2024 x64 特别版

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Graitec Tricalc是一款专业的结构分析和设计软件,由Graitec公司开发。它提供了广泛的功能和工具,用于对各种结构进行静态和动态分析、设计和优化。

[WIN]Graitec Advance Suite (结构分析和设计软件) 2024 x64 特别版插图

GRAITEC是一个致力于CAD与建筑结构分析解决方案的国际化的软件开发商。最新版的GRAITEC 2024已正式发布,它是一款适用于建筑业专业人士的BIM结构系列软件。

x64 | File Size: 9.75 GB

Graitec, an international software developer for AEC, is delighted to announce the release of Advance Design version 2023. Based on the needs and requests of the ever-growing communities that have gathered around each software developed by Graitec, the Graitec software development team proposes exciting new features to enhance the customer experience when designing and simulating structural projects.

This version 2024 of Advance Design is enhanced with a lot of new users-centric functionality, with high-end benefits, articulated around
– Performance- a significant reduction of the time required for calculations
– Construction stages- new mechanism for the definition, management and calculation of structures using stages
– Advanced non-linear supports- new possibilities for defining nonlinear relationships for supports
– Masonry structures- possibility to model and verify masonry walls (acc. EN 1996) using a new Masonry Wall design module
– Wind on free standing walls- possibility to generate wind on free standing walls acc. EN 1991-1-4
– Result tables- fast and easy checking FEM results with Results Tables
– Improvementsto New possibilities and improvements for reinforcement concrete design.

Version 2024 of Advance Design also comes with a vast number of improvements and adjustments based on feedback received from thousands of users worldwide. Dozens of these new features have been introduced to RC design modules.

Advance Design is a complete solution for the analysis of complex structures by the finite elements method. To ensure a high standard of excellence for its users, it provides a wide range of functions specialized in advanced CAD modeling, meshing, calculation, expert design and results post-processing.

Advance Design was specifically developed for industry professionals that require a superior solution for the structural analysis and design of Reinforced Concrete, Steel and Timber structures according to the last versions of the Eurocodes, North American, Canadian, and Italian codes.

Minimal System Requirements
– Windows 8/8.1/10/11 – 64bit
– PC with Intel® Core™ i3 latest generation Processor (or AMD equivalent)
– 8 GB RAM. Depending on the project’s size and complexity, additional RAM is highly recommended
– Minimum 50 GB free disk space on the hard disk
– Windows compatible graphics adapter (1GB MB video RAM), with the latest video driver (recommended by the manufacturer), with support for OpenGL 3.0 and DirectX 12 and with the latest drivers installed (for best performance, we don’t recommend onboard graphics cards)
– 19″ display or higher with 1680 x 1050 resolution
– Network adapter, Keyboard, Mouse, USB port

Recommended System Requirements
In addition to the minimal configuration, here is the hardware and software recommended by GRAITEC
– PC with Intel® Core™ i5 or i7 latest generation Processor
– 16 GB RAM – According to the project size and complexity, additional RAM might be required
– SSD with 50 GB free space or more
– 22” display or higher with 1920x 1080 resolution
– Graphics card with DirectX 12 or higher and OpenGL 3.0 compliancy
– Installed operating system: Windows 10 64-bit version
– Windows and AutoCAD® compatible printer or plotter.

以下是Graitec Tricalc的一些主要特点和功能:

1. 结构建模:Tricalc提供直观的界面和工具,使用户能够快速准确地建模各种结构,包括框架、梁、柱、墙、板和楼梯等。用户可以使用绘图工具创建结构模型,或导入CAD文件进行建模。

2. 静态和动态分析:软件支持静态和动态分析,能够计算结构的强度、刚度和振动特性。用户可以施加荷载、约束条件和各种负载情况,进行静力学和动力学分析,并获得准确的应力、变形和振动结果。

3. 设计和验算:Tricalc提供了全面的设计和验算功能,支持多种国际标准和规范,如欧洲标准(Eurocode)、美国标准(ACI、AISC)、英国标准(BS)等。用户可以自动或手动进行设计和验算,包括钢结构、混凝土结构、木结构等。

4. 结果可视化和报告:软件以直观的图形方式展示分析和设计结果,用户可以查看结构的变形、应力、内力等信息。此外,Tricalc还提供报告生成工具,可以自动生成设计报告和计算结果,以便与其他人员共享和审查。

5. 与BIM集成:Tricalc支持与BIM(Building Information Modeling)软件的集成,如Autodesk Revit、Graitec Advance等。这样,用户可以在结构分析和设计过程中与其他建筑设计和建模软件进行数据交换和协作。

总的来说,Graitec Tricalc是一款功能强大的结构分析和设计软件,适用于工程师、建筑师和结构设计专业人员。它提供了全面的建模、分析、设计和验算工具,帮助用户进行结构工程项目的静态和动态分析、设计和优化。


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